Friday, December 9, 2011

Lists of Stuff

Well, folks, it's nearly the end of the year. That means a bunch of people are going to make a bunch of lists for a bunch of subjects. You don't care, right? That's too bad because I'm one of those people. It's a little self-indulgent, but I don't really care.

Top 10 Albums (Not necessarily released this year, but discovered this year.)
In no certain order:

1. Gorilla Manor-Local Natives
2. Long Live-The Chariot
3. Mine is Yours-Cold War Kids
4. No Colour-The Dodos 
5. Life is Sweet! Nice to Meet You-Lightspeed Champion
6. Buzzard-Margot and the Nuclear So and So's
7. Knives Don't Have Your Back-Emily Haines & the Soft Skeleton
8. Simple Math-Manchester Orchestra
9. Blood Pressures-The Kills
10. My Name is Skrillex EP-Skrillex (Yeah, surprised me, too.)

What I'm looking forward to in 2012:
1. Season 5 of Mad Men
2. New Every Time I Die album
3. Season 5 of Breaking Bad
4. Nikon D800/D7100?
5. The Dark Knight Rises
6. The Hobbit Part 1
7. (Obligatory end of the world joke.)
8. Graduation from college
9. Something else
10. Something else

I might do more of these as it gets closer to the end of the year, but we'll see. Depends on how motivated I feel.

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