Friday, November 4, 2011

Shooting from the Hip

To begin, I'd like to tell you, dear reader, the benefits of writing in a coffee shop. First of all, you smell like coffee the rest of the day. Awesome.

Second, when you're not writing you get to people watch. Although Fargo may not be the most glorious city nor the most populous, you can still sight some interesting characters downtown. Perfect.

Third, there's usually a very plentiful supply of caffeine. This might sound stereotypical, but caffeine has a pretty firm grip on me at this stage in the game. The fact that a nearly endless supply of espresso, Coke, and coffee is 20 feet from me at all times makes this an appealing place indeed. In fact, I just drank a Coke so quickly that it feels like my gums are numb. You say unhealthy, I say endearing.

Anyway, I took some photos today. I think they turned out alright. If you agree, great. If you don't, I'll still love you.

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